Prominent Insurance Brokers

Family Travel Insurance

Get the Best Insurance Plan that fits for your Need

Family travel insurance

Get a Quote for Family Travel Insurance

What is Family Travel Insurance?

Family Travel Insurance is a type of insurance plan that covers the entire family while they travel. A policyholder can include his spouse and dependent children under a single policy. It generally covers two adult members and up to four dependent children. Some plans also provide coverage to the policyholder’s parents.
family covered by travel insurance

Why Should You Buy Travel Insurance for Your Family?

A family travel insurance plan offers you all the following benefits and makes your travel hassle-free.

Single Plan for Coverage

You can cover all your family members under one insurance plan. There is no need to purchase separate plans for every person in your family.

Coverage for Health Emergencies

A medical emergency while traveling can cause severe mental and financial stress. A family travel insurance policy covers all the expenses related to medical treatment, evacuation, and repatriation.

Coverage for Other Emergencies

A travel insurance family plan also covers non-medical emergencies such as theft, loss of personal belongings, public liability, or an evacuation due to a natural disaster

Freedom from Travel Worries

This insurance plan saves you from all travel-related inconveniences such as trip cancellations, flight delays & cancellations, and cancellation of hotel bookings

Types of Family Travel Insurance Plans

Travel Insurance family plans can be categorized based on your trip type and travel destination. The details are given below.
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Plans Based on the Type of Trip

Single-Trip Travel Insurance Plan

This plan covers a single trip you take with your family. You will need a new insurance plan for every family trip. The insurance coverage starts as soon as the trip begins and ends on the last day when you return home.

Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Plan

This plan covers all the family trips you take during the policy period of one year. The multi-trip family travel insurance plan is ideal if you take frequent family vacations. Generally, an upper limit of 90 days is specified by the insurance policy for every trip.

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Plans Based on Travel Destination

Domestic Travel Insurance Plans

These plans cover your family trips within the UAE. The geographical scope is the only factor that differentiates between domestic and international travel insurance. The other features & benefits are similar for both.

International Travel Insurance Plans

These plans offer you worldwide family travel insurance and cover your trips outside the UAE. Most countries are covered unless they are specifically excluded.

Special travel insurance plans are also available for some regions. E.g., Schengen travel insurance plans to cover the Schengen group of countries in Europe.

Eligibility Criteria for Family Travel Insurance Plans

You must fulfill the following eligibility criteria to purchase a family travel insurance policy.

Policyholders must be a citizen or a resident of the UAE and should be at least 18 years old.

The other family members to be included in the insurance plan also must be citizens or residents of the UAE. The policyholder’s spouse and children are covered under family travel insurance.

Any person aged between 30 days and 65 years can be covered. Children under 18 years of age can be added as dependents.

Around 6 to 8 family members can be covered under a single plan. Some policies also extend insurance coverage to your parents.

What is Covered Under Family Travel Insurance?

The benefits of travel insurance family cover can be availed separately by every member of your family (subject to the limits). The general list of inclusions is given below.

Travel Medical Insurance Coverage

Travel Inconvenience Insurance Coverage

What is not covered under Family Travel Insurance?

The common exclusions of family travel insurance policy are as follows:

How to Choose the Best Family Travel Insurance Plan?

The following tips can help you choose the best family travel insurance plan in the UAE.
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Trip Duration

Consider the number of days you intend to travel with your family. While domestic trips are generally short, foreign travels are longer and require better planning.

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Frequency of Trips

A single-trip travel insurance plan should suffice for one-off family trips. However, if you frequently travel and do not wish to purchase insurance each time, you should enrol in a multi-trip travel insurance plan.

Consider the size of your family and their age because premiums are generally higher for infants and senior citizens. You also need to shell out higher premiums for bigger families.

You may need additional coverage for international travel if you plan to visit additional destinations during flight layovers. Please discuss your travel plans with your insurer while buying the travel insurance policy.

Choose a comprehensive travel insurance plan that meets your family’s requirements. You may also need add-on covers for specific coverage that is not included in the basic plan (E.g., adventure sports add-on coverage).

Check the insurer’s claims settlement procedure and quality of customer service. It should be easy to get the desired support in an emergency situation. The insurer should have a good claims settlement ratio.

Compare the benefits and pricing of several plans to choose the best family annual holiday insurance. Talk to our team of insurance experts. They will help you buy the best travel insurance plan that fits your needs and offers the perfect value for money.

How to Buy Travel Insurance for Family Online?

You can follow these simple steps to purchase a family travel insurance policy online.

Step 1

Visit the official website of Prominent Insurance Brokers. Enter your details in the family travel insurance quote form.

Step 2

Once you provide all the required details in this form, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Step 3

One of our executives will soon get in touch with you. You will be guided by our team to buy the best family travel insurance plan. You can easily make the payment online.

You can also click on the Whatsapp icon on this page and chat with our team members. They will guide you step-by-step to buy the policy online.

Frequently Asked Questions On Family Travel Insurance

Yes. You can extend the duration of insurance coverage by buying additional vacation days on your policy. But this is subject to the upper limit on the number of days that can be covered by the policy.

Yes. You can cancel and claim a refund on your family travel insurance plan if you cancel it before the trip begins. You will not get a refund if you cancel the policy after the trip begins.

Some insurance providers also cover the policyholder’s parents in a family travel insurance plan. But it is recommended that you buy a senior citizen’s travel insurance plan for them.


Disclaimer: The Family Travel Insurance plan may have limitations, exclusions, and other terms and conditions that may affect the coverage. It is important to carefully review the policy wording before making any decision. The information contained in this article is gathered from sources deemed to be reliable & trustworthy. Prominent Insurance Brokers cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions with regard to the information presented here.